Monday, October 7, 2013

Methods To Quit Electric Tobacco

Quitting smokeless tobacco can be hard.

Smokeless tobacco is most commonly known as snuff or chewing tobacco. Use of the product can have deadly consequences -- such as an increase risk of heart disease, mouth sores, receding gums, and cancers of the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach, and pancreas. Quitting this form of tobacco can be extremely difficult, but there are methods available to make it a bit easier.

Set a Goal

The first step to quitting smokeless tobacco is deciding on your own that you are ready. Once you have finally made the decision, make a list of all the reasons you should quit and refer back to this list often to remind yourself during the process. Finally, pick a date and circle it on your calendar. Some people prefer to slow down their tobacco use prior to their quit date, while others wait and just do it cold-turkey.


There are some medicines that can help with the nicotine withdrawals associated with quitting smokeless tobacco. Food and Drug Administration approved nicotine replacements -- such as nicotine gum, nicotine patch and nicotine lozenges -- can help reduce symptoms. There are also some prescription medicines; consult with your doctor about using these.


Having a support network in place with family and friends is very important for anyone attempting to overcome an addiction. Counseling and support programs can also be helpful. According to the American Cancer Society, as of 2009 all 50 states offer some type of free telephone-based quitting program with trained counselors.

Coping Methods

There are several ways you can make coping with the withdrawals a bit easier. Keep oral substitutes on hand in case you get the urge to chew, such as sunflower seeds, hard candy or gum. In order to avoid temptation, try at first to stay away from people or places where you would have normally used tobacco. Keep yourself busy with activities or hobbies to distract yourself.

Remember the Benefits

Remind yourself of the benefits of quitting. Obviously, your health is the most important benefit but there are others. If you have children be proud of the example you are setting and what a good role model you can be now. Kicking the habit can also save you a lot of money. Put the money you would normally spend on tobacco aside in a separate bank account. Once you have reached your one-year anniversary quit date, use the money to buy yourself a nice reward.

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