Recover From a Herniated Disk
Your spinal column is made up of vertebrae separated by cartilage-like disks that act as cushions and shock absorbers for your back. When an injury or a degenerative disease causes the disk to weaken or tear, the center of the disk pops out and compresses the spinal nerve. The pinched spinal nerve causes pain. Recovering from a herniated lumbar disk takes a long time, but there are treatment guidelines you can follow that will reduce your symptoms.
Acute Phase of Recovery
1. Rest in bed for up to 2 weeks. Be sure your mattress is firm. If it's not, place a bed board under your mattress.
2. Lying absolutely flat is not necessary unless it offers you the most relief from pain. You may want to elevate your legs and thighs somewhat to reduce tension in the back. Try putting a small pillow under your knees.
3. Avoid lying on your stomach.
4. Place a pillow between your knees whenever you are resting on your side.
5. Get out of bed by lying on your side and pushing yourself up into a sitting position.
6. Avoid constipation. Prolonged bed rest slows down intestinal function. Bowels get sluggish. Try a mild, bulk-producing laxative if you have difficulty moving your bowels. Eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and high-fiber foods while on bed rest - as much as 50-75% of your diet.
7. Straining to defecate should be avoided. Straining increases pressure on your spine and aggravates disk pain.
8. Ask your doctor for a prescription for muscle relaxants. Muscle spasms are common in the acute phase of herniated disk pain. Aspirin and ibuprofen aren't terribly effective during the acute phase.
9. Reduce muscular stress on your back by breathing deeply from your diaphragm.
10. Watch TV, listen to an audiocassette or ask someone to read a good book to you. This will help take your mind off your pain.
11. Apply hot or cold compresses. Generally speaking, heat works better than cold. Some patients find ice packs work better. Start out putting a heating pad set on low against your back.
The Recovery Phase Begins After the Acute Phase Passes
12. Get out of bed by lying on your side and pushing yourself up into a sitting position.
13. Wear a brace for extra spinal support.
14. Sit in a straight chair. Avoid overstuffed chairs or furniture, because it is difficult to stand back up after sitting in them.
15. Get up every 30 minutes from your chair for a stretch.
16. Keep feet flat on the floor when sitting.
17.Avoid quick, jerky motions.
18. Avoid constipation. Even though you are up out of bed, your bowels will continue to be sluggish until you are able to resume your normal activities. Take a gentle laxative every other day. Eat lots of high-fiber food. Enemas should be avoided because they can cause heart arrhythmia.
19. Ask your loved one for a gentle massage. Be careful not to rub too much over the ruptured disk. The massage is to relax your back and shoulder muscles and reduce stress on your spine.
20. Take aspirin or ibuprofen.
21. Avoid lifting anything except very light items, like your bath towel or your clean pajamas.
22. Take showers. They are easier than baths on your back muscles. If you love hot baths, you must have someone to help you get into and out of the bath.
23. Apply a heating pad or warm compresses to your lower back.
24. Practice simple stretching exercises as recommended by your doctor.
25. Take it easy for as long as you can. Give your back plenty of time to heal.
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