Thursday, March 7, 2013

How Lengthy Do Nicotine Urges Last

Physical Cravings

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, stopping smoking forces you to face a physical addiction to nicotine; your body will react to the absence of nicotine in your system. Your symptoms can include an increased appetite, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, constipation, stomach pain and gas, cough and sore throat, sore tongue and/or gums, a dry mouth, tightness in your chest and post nasal drip. These symptoms begin within a few hours of your last cigarette and can last a few days up to several weeks.

Psychological Cravings

Research by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention indicates that nicotine is as addictive as alcohol, heroin or cocaine. Nicotine is called the "psychoactive drug" in tobacco that causes dependence. Psychologically, your system is protesting the loss of a habit and a major behavioral change. As you adjust mentally and emotionally to the loss nicotine, you might develop anxiety, become irritable and have difficulty concentrating. Your emotional and psychological symptoms may last several weeks as you adjust to the absence of cigarettes.


Withdrawal from nicotine will take days, if not weeks. You can make some simple changes to help handle the physical cravings. Replace the cigarettes you used to hold with sliced vegetables and fruit. Chew sugarless gum. Keep a pen handy so you can have a physical object to hold.

Beyond dealing with the physical symptoms of withdrawal, you can address the psychological symptoms by enlisting as much positive support and encouragement as you can. The American Cancer Society has a Quitline which you can call for information on cessation programs.

The American Cancer Society recommends that, as you are making plans to quit smoking, let your smoking friends and family know you are trying to quit. Ask them not to offer cigarettes to you . Your dependence on nicotine did not develop overnight, nor will your cravings disappear overnight.

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