Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Drugs To Assist Stop Smoking

Nicotine addiction is one of the most difficult addictions to overcome. Millions of people try to quit every year, and many of them fail time and time again. Nicotine replacements like gum or patches are available, as is counseling. Prescribed drugs provide some of the strongest and most effective treatments.


Chantix can help you stop smoking. It is not a cure for nicotine addiction, but simply a treatment for the harsh symptoms of withdrawal. Once the body becomes addicted to a substance, it begins to rely on it on a regular basis. Without the substance, the body will feel ill, and will react in negative ways including headaches, nausea, vomiting, and irritability. These initial withdrawal symptoms are harsh for nicotine addicts. Chantix works by causing your brain to release small amounts of dopamine. This helps soothe the pain of withdrawal symptoms. It also blocks the nicotine receptors in your brain, causing cigarettes to lose much of their appeal as the addicting drug isn't reaching the brain as fully as before. The Mayo Clinic suggests that Chantix should be started a week before you quit. Chantix is generally used for about 12 weeks. After that, the doctor may prescribe another 12 weeks if necessary. Side effects of Chantix include worsening of psychiatric illnesses, nausea, and headaches.


Zyban didn't start out as an anti-smoking aide. It was originally an anti-depressant but was found effective in treating nicotine addiction. Zyban is not like nicotine gum or nicotine patches. Those treatments work by letting a small amount of nicotine into your body, which you gradually taper off. Zyban works by eliminating the negative feelings that come from smoking. It does not block the nicotine receptors in the brain, so its effect on the body is slightly different than Chantix. The interesting thing about Zyban is that you can continue to smoke while taking it. Once the Zyban is in your body and you quit smoking, it will begin to treat your withdrawal symptoms. Quit Smoking reports that Zyban has a strong effect on irritability, frustration, anxiety, restlessness and depression. This is logical, considering its anti-depressant background. Side effects of Zyban include dry mouth, difficulty sleeping and a risk of seizure.

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