Friday, September 6, 2013

Clean Nicotine Off Roofs

Clean nicotine
from your ceiling.

Nicotine can cause your home to smell like a stale ashtray. In addition, the film on the walls and ceiling can leave a yellowish tint and make the house look untidy and messy. Clean nicotine off your ceilings once a month--twice a week, if you smoke two packs a day.


1. Cover all electronics, flooring and furniture with painter's plastic to protect against drips. Use towels or newspaper as an alternative.

2. Fill a bucket half-full of steaming water. Use 5 cups of Pine-Sol or Awesome Concentrated cleaner. Awesome Concentrated is available at the Dollar Store or online (see Resources).

3. Dunk the sponge squeegee into the bucket. Scrub the ceiling in a row, back and fourth, twice. Wring the squeegee out. Begin a new row, repeating this step until the ceiling is clean.

4. Change the water and use fresh cleaner when the water is dark with a muddy tint.

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