Thursday, September 5, 2013

Remove Tobacco Smoke From Wood

Remove Cigarette Smoke From Wood

Cigarette smoke can permeate almost any material, and the odor may linger for years. This creates difficulties for people with sensitivities to aromas or allergies to cigarette smoke. There are a number of different treatments for each type of material, be it fabric, paper or wood that is affected. Unfinished wood can be difficult to treat since the smoke will work its way into the wood over time. Finished wood can be cleaned to eliminate most, if not all, of the odor.


1. Determine if there is tar and nicotine build-up on the finished wood surfaces. If the surface is discolored, feels tacky or if the color comes off with a light scratch of a fingernail, you need to clean the tar and nicotine off first.

2. Mix 2 tbsp each of detergent and washing soda in 1 qt water. Pour into a spray bottle. Working in sections, spray the solution on the wood and then immediately wipe it up with a clean cloth. This removes heavy build-up.

3. Use Murphy's Oil Soap or pure lemon oil to clean the finished surfaces. Mix Murphy's Oil Soap in hot water according to the directions on the bottle. Use a clean rag to wipe the mixture onto the wood. Rub with the grain of the wood and then use another clean rag to wipe it up. Apply lemon oil directly to a clean rag and rub it onto the surface. Wipe up excess oil with a clean rag.

4. Spray unfinished surfaces with a mixture of 50% vinegar and 50% water. Wipe up excess and let dry. The vinegar odor will dissipate after the surface is completely dry.

5. Combine a small bag of unscented kitty litter with a cup of baking soda. Put the mixture in open, flat boxes and place the boxes in drawers or wood cabinets that are affected by cigarette smoke. Close the drawers and cabinet doors and check after a week. If the smell is gone, discard the litter and leave the drawers and doors open for a couple of days. Continue the treatment if the smell is not gone.

6. Treat stubborn odors with commercially available odor removing sprays and fragrances. Some of these merely mask the smell so check the labels to see if the product removes odors rather than covering them up.

7. Create your own odor eliminator by combining 10 drops of Bergamot Mint with

20 drops of Lemon Myrtle in a small spray bottle. Fill the bottle with distilled water and spray on unfinished surfaces, like the insides of drawers or the backs of furniture. If possible, move the wood into the sun.

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