Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Remove A Stuck Tongue From The Frozen Surface

Remove a Stuck Tongue From a Frozen Surface

It's one of the most memorable scenes from "A Christmas Story" when the boy sticks his tongue to a frozen flagpole, but sadly, it isn't uncommon. Kids and adults can get their tongues stuck to things like popsicles and cold metal surfaces. While it may be funny to watch in a movie, in real life it's painful and scary. Follow these steps to remove a tongue from a frozen surface.


1. Tell the person to remain calm. It's the moist tongue that comes into contact with the dry, frozen surface that causes the bonding. If a person is trying to talk or move, more of the tongue can touch the surface, causing the problem to be even bigger than it initially was.

2. Warm a cup of water to pour around the tongue and the frozen object to remove the tongue. Make sure the water isn't too hot, otherwise it may add a burn on top of the current problem.

3. Pour the water slowly as close to the area bonded to the frozen object as possible. This warms the object up, allowing you to remove the tongue from the object.

4. Tilt the head face down if the object is movable, so the person is facing the floor and spray a little WD-40 on the outside of the object, just where it is touching the skin. Gently rub the WD-40 on the object until the tongue's skin begins to release. Only use this as a last resort or when water could potentially damage the object, or if no hot water is available. Ensure that none of the WD-40 gets into the person's mouth as you remove the tongue.

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